Aerification at Bing Maloney Golf Complex

On Tuesday, April 14, 2020, the Bing Maloney Golf Complex will be closed for aerification. The facility will reopen on Wednesday, April 15, with reduced rates offered on both the Championship 18 and Express 9 golf courses through Tuesday, April 21.


Aerification is an important process to maintain the health of the golf course. It involves perforating the soil with small holes that allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This process helps the roots grow deep and strong and helps prevent soil compaction. A layer of compacted soil that is just 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick can significantly impact the overall health of the golf course. Aerating holes with a sand topdressing allows extra water from the soil to evaporate which improves both the drainage and root development of the grass.

We know the word “aerification” isn’t a favorite one to hear from our golfers, but it is essential to keep the course in good playing condition. Courses that don’t aerify risk letting the decaying roots and grass stems that naturally build up to become too thick. This layer will hold water at the surface after rain or when the course is watered. Over time, this encourages disease and can lead to turf failure. When a course has not been aerated recently or often enough, the spongy, soft surfaces lead to inconsistent and poor playing conditions. Therefore, aerifying the course and also topdressing the greens has been proven as the most effective methods to maintain smooth and firm putting surfaces as well as create turf that is able to thrive under the playing conditions of golfers.

Why are we aerifying now? Timing is everything! It is important to aerify at a time when the turf is healthy and actively growing in order for the grass to recover in the fastest time possible.

If you come out to play golf at Bing Maloney while the course is healing, please remember that the long-term benefits for the course will outweigh this short-term disruption. Bing Maloney is offering the following discounts off our normal pricing through April 21:

Save $5 on a booked round on the Championship 18 Golf Course through April 21, 2020.

Save $2 on the Express 9 Golf Course at Bing Maloney through April 21, 2020.

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