A Frequent User Bonus Card Program is available for the rental of range balls and you can receive up to a 20 percent bonus when you purchase one of these cards.
To increase the balance on your card, please take your card to the cashier in the golf shop, and our staff will gladly assist you. Remember, only a $20 bill receives the $2 or 10% bonus. You can also upload your card by giving it to the cashier attendant. Please note that the 15 percent and 20 percent bonus range card purchases must be performed by the cashier attendant.
Contact the Bing Maloney reservation office or driving range cashier for more information.
10% bonus program | Any purchase of $20 or $50 will receive a 10% bonus |
20% bonus program | Any purchase of $100 will receive a 20% bonus |
25% bonus program | Any purchase of $200 will receive a 25% bonus |
For more information please call (916) 433-2283